Hi there.
Lots of chat about the motivational posters and sayings.
Achievement-Vertical swim
Here is a list of the sayings available.
BELIEVE - Create the highest grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe. Oprah Winfrey
DISCIPLINE – Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments
ACHIEVEMENT – The greatest achievement is not falling but in rising again after the fall.
COURAGE – I’m thankful for my struggle, because without it I wouldnlt have stumbled across my strength.
ENDURANCE – The race goes not always to the swift but to those who keep running.
LEADERSHIP – True leaders are no those who strive to be first but those who are first to strive and who give their all for the success of the team.
IMAGINATION – Imagination is having the vision to see what is just below the surface; to picture that which is essential, but invisible to the eye.
INSPIRATION – There are many things in life that will capture your eye, but very few will capture your heart.
NO LIMITS Once we accept our limits we go beyond them.